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PMS Solutions Academy
Module 1: Hormonal Introduction
Intro to your hormones and what a normal period looks like (33:32)
Why are you having painful and/or heavy periods? (18:03)
Module 2: Lab testing and evaluation
Lab testing, imaging, and functional testing for period issues (21:48)
Module 3: Liver health and metabolism
Learn about why your liver matters for hormonal health (26:40)
Module 4: Gut health
Gut health and hormone metabolism (27:38)
Module 5: Lifestyle management
Part 1: Stress and how this affects your hormones/health (23:04)
Part 2: How to address stress and adrenal function (40:11)
Part 3: DUTCH adrenal testing (19:41)
4 crazy questions handout: behavior identification
Module 6: Integrative solutions for gut health
Learn about the dietary changes helpful for painful or heavy periods (45:04)
Food group handout
Seed cycling handout
Dairy free handout
Food journal
Protein Sources
Module 7: Integrative solutions for liver health and metabolism
How to support liver health and metabolism of hormones (37:46)
Castor oil pack handout
Home swaps for a cleaner environment
Module 8: Bonus solutions for hormonal health
Additional supplements, period products, and therapies for painful/heavy periods (14:17)
Module 9: Case studies
Talking about patient case studies with period pain and/or heavy periods (21:07)
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Protein Sources
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